Friday, June 26, 2009

Loios - Alentejano

Origin: Portugal
Price: $9.95
Vintage: 2008
Date drunk: May 23rd, 2009

g.: Oh fucking shit.

d.: While it's not the greatest of wines, I don't know if my reaction is quite so forceful. It's really apple-y. The wine, that is; not my reaction.

g.: *another sip* ... no, I'm still going with "oh fucking shit."

d.: Say you have some sort of hybrid of an apple and gross meat. It smells sort of hammy, so we'll go with ham as the gross meat. Now imagine biting into that apple, not knowing it was hybridised with this gross ham-meat. That is what caused g's reaction (maybe).

g.: No, I think it's because it tastes like grapes and knives, together.

d.: It has a refreshing molar effect, though.


d.: It feels neat on the molars and wisdom teeth when I let it sit in the back of my mouth.

g.: I don't think there's any chance of me letting it sit in my mouth for long enough to corroborate your claim.

d.: That's what she said.

g.: I'm getting a shot glass.

d.: If you do, I will.

g.: Dear anyone reading this blog: if we don't post next week, I'm probably in the hospital. [UPDATE: I'M NOT IN THE HOSPITAL, DON'T CALL THE POLICE]

d.: Oh, though I can taste the grapes, I have yet to taste the knives.

g.: You're going to want to watch out for that. They'll cut you when you least expect it. Okay, I just took another sip, and it's actually not that awful.

d.: The quality of meatness in the flavour seems to diminish the closer to the bottom of the glass I get.

g.: We probably have at least a 2:1 wine to meat ratio on this blog right about now. The only thing we can come up with to describe wine is pork or ham, and we're fucking vegetarians.

d.: I actually liked this when I took the last sip from the glass. It has a strong (though not necessarily wine-like) flavour that is not altogether unappealing.

g.: NOTE: d. has finished his glass. I have had approximately three sips.

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