Friday, February 5, 2010

20 Bees - Riesling

Origin: Ontario
Price: $9.95
Vintage: 2008
Date drunk: November 7th, 2009

d.: Smells like grandmothers and tastes like parties.

g.: I would argue that it also TASTES like grandmothers. It's very pretty and floral and... comforting. It's delicate but kind of sour and bad-ass. I like this a LOT. It's sweet, like the other wine tonight, but a bit less so, and much more subtle over-all.

d.: Let me just say: never tasted grandmothers.

g.: My imagination goes EVERYWHERE I guess. Wait, that's horrifying.

d.: I'd guess grandmothers would taste more chalk-like. But yes, it is a tasty wine.

g.: Big fan, right here.

d.: The flavour is very round and full. To continue your analogies, it's like if your grandmother were a ball. Like a really fun ball that you play games with and throw in the air and gaze, rapt, as it falls back to the ground and then you name it Steve.

g.: I think WE HAVE TO GO NOW.

PS - A review of our lessons so far: Wines that are SPHERES or BALLS are good wines.

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