Price: $12.95 (1L)
Vintage: 2009
Date drunk: April 17th, 2010
d.: It's not bad... whoa! It had a delayed shudder-making effect on me.
g.: I don't even know what to say. I'm at the point where we've had so many different wines that I don't even know what's going on anymore. What does a Chardonnay taste like? I don't know? Really. I do know, however, that unoaked or unwooded things usually taste kind of "big" or oily or something. This doesn't have much of that, but there's something slightly different about it.
d.: It tastes green. It's very fresh, and almost not quite ripe tasting.
g.: That's exactly it. There's a little undertone of "raw" to it or something, and it's almost kind of... soapy. Like cilantro can be. It's not a negative thing, though. I'd say that for an unoaked wine, this is super subtle. Not like that box of Naked Grape we got over Christmas...
d.: It has a very mouth-filling taste. It kind of soaks into your tongue and gets all friendly-like with your taste buds.
g.: What's our verdict?
d.: I think it's decent.
g.: Yeah, I'm feeling it. I might get this again. I mean... it's a litre carton, so those are some automatic points right there. Thumbs up, I suppose.
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