Price: GIFT, probably the usual $10 - $12 according to the internet.
Vintage: 2011
Date drunk: April 17th, 2012
d.: Damn.
g.: This is going to be a boring review. It's better when I hate stuff. I even chugged a bit to see if I could muster hate, but it's just not in me. I could probably be funny if I kept that up, but it seems like a lot of effort.
d.: It's like the beach. Not like the bad parts of beach, like those little sand hopping insects that you can't see until it's too late. Or like dudes driving dune buggies or getting cut under your fingernail by dune grass when you untie your shoes.
g.: I've had wine that tastes like having to pee on the beach in the dark, and that shit sucks.
d.: This, though, is like bonfires and waking up in a tent hearing the waves just outside the door. This is piping plovers running along the shore. [ED. NOTE: RHYMING]
g.: Oh I got it, it's like that extra Oland's you forgot you hid in the sand and you can probably use to barter for toilet paper.
It's good. It tastes like a bouquet of flowers mixed with some sugar, which could be good boiled in hot water like tea, but this is better because... alcohol. It's pretty and fruity but not over the top. It's subtle and serious, which you might not expect me to like, but I'm secretly into that kind of thing. Verdict: decent, drinkable, makes me boring.
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