Friday, January 23, 2009

Argento - Pinot Grigio

Origin: Argentina
Date drunk: January 3rd, 2009

d.: Smells like wine.
g.: Smells like turpentine.
d.: Makes a good sound while pouring. [you know, glug glug glug glug GLUG]
g.: It tingles the tip of my tongue.

After at least 2-3 glasses each:

d.: It tastes like drunk.
g.: It tastes like how Smirnoff Ice tastes good after you've had a quart of vodka.
g.: Who does?!

This was a good night. I think the wine was also good--good like a free wine cooler that someone leaves on a table at the bar. *

*d. does not support this sort of behaviour. It's icky.
**g. feels that her undergrad university career was supported by this sort of behaviour.
***d. feels that g. should get another patron.

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