Saturday, February 28, 2009

Little Penguin - Chardonnay

Origin: South Eastern Australia
Price: $10ish.
Date drunk: February 21st, 2009

We probably bought this because there's a bird on the bottle. There's a disappointing amount of wildlife discussion on the back of the bottle, though.

g.: This smells way better than the last chardonnay.

Okay, I can't really figure out what this tastes like, but it's not bad. As you swallow, the taste changes dramatically, but it doesn't linger at all. That's pretty nice. It's a little spicier, but the finish is really smooth.

d.: It's a little bit sweeter than the last one, too. I think I might like the other one more.

g.: There's something just not right with this one. Maybe just too sweet.

d.: It's a cloying sweetness.

It was. It got worse. I think we got sick of this after a glass and a half. We'll stick with warm climate birds next time, thanks.


al said...

Just coming here for the first time and wanted to give a thumbs-up to the WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS colour scheme. Very easy on the eyes.

g. said...


This was the least offensive blogger template, to be honest.

a said...

Try out Little Penguin's merlot. It actually is pretty decent, and beats the crap out of their whites.