Friday, February 13, 2009

Masi - Soave

Origin: Italy
Price: $13ish
Date drunk: February 7th, 2009

g.: The first sip was terrifying. It got better after I swallowed it. I have no idea what this tastes like, besides crazy.

d.: It has a weirdly bitter after-taste that just sits and accumulates.

g.: It's really tingly.

(This is the first time we've tried a Soave. It may or may not be the last.)

We can't find the words to describe this wine. Sorry.


Annie Biotix said...

Terrifying! HAHAHAHAH!

Anonymous said...

rookies, Soave is typically bitter,
try with some nibblies, it will make much more sense

g. said...

We do not claim to be experts, or even at all knowledgeable. We just call 'em as we see 'em.

I will refer you to this: