Price: We don't remember. Probably $9.95. At most, $12.
Date drunk: April 18th, 2009
d.: That's alt 129, by the way [re: umlaut]. The smell is soapy, like nice, fancy, fruit soap.
g.: This is a really, really strange tasting wine. It's spicy. The woman at "Wine Rack" said it had a really good balance between sweet and acidic, and I think she was right. She also said a lot of other, complicated things I did not understand, but she was probably right about those too.
d.: This is like, let's say, if a Macintosh apple--not a computer--got all hot and steamy with a lemon, and produced, after the appropriate period of gestation, a mutant baby fruit.
I think this would taste really good with a shot of whiskey dropped into it. I would probably drop dead 30 seconds later, but I bet it would be worth it. Maybe Fireball. Someday, friends. Someday.
d.: I really like the after taste. Actually, I like the whole thing. I like it.
g.: I don't think it's something I'd like to have very often, but it's a satisfying change. I'd probably get this particular one again.