Friday, March 6, 2009

Henry of Pelham Estates - Ice Wine Riesling

Origin: Ontario
Price: $54.95 (375 ml)
Date drunk: March 3rd, 2009

This is some high rolling shit, right here. We were celebrating; don't judge. We've always wanted to try this mysterious ice wine.

g.: It is VERY YELLOW, and very thick. Even when pouring it you can tell how syrupy it is. Wow.

... and WHOA. It's SO SWEET.

d.: It tastes just like really, really sweet grapes.

g.: If you ever wanted to know what ice wine tastes like, I guess this is it. Thick, syrupy, grape juice concentrate. Definitely a dessert wine. It's unbelievable. I can't believe there's booze in here.

d.: It's a very heavy sweetness. It just sinks to the bottom of your belly and sloshes there. Like this: slosh. slosh slosh. slosh slosh sloosh.

g.: It tastes like yellow.

We determined that this is the kind of thing you want to have one tiny glass of and call it a night. Even splitting a little 375 ml bottle was too intense.

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