Price: $13.95
Vintage: 2008
Date drunk: July 27th, 2009
d.: It smells like a wine party. It tastes like a wine party.
g.: Is this going to be a situation like when you drink wine, whiskey, rum, vodka, and a mystery cooler someone hands you at a party because IT TASTES LIKE PINEAPPLE, MAN, and you wake up the next morning wishing you were a better booze decision-maker and you cry a little? Because I was always taught that mixing is bad.
d.: Mixing is only bad when it's done in rusted rain barrels. This, on the other hand, was mixed in oaken casts or some shit.
g.: Oaken? Is oaken a real word?
d.: Hell yes, all the words I say are real words.
g.: I think this mostly tastes like Gewürztraminer. It's such a distinct-tasting wine that it overpowers the other two. This isn't necessarily a bad thing; I guess it's just more of a mellow Gewürztraminer, which I can definitely dig.
d.: I like the sharpness of it. It's like you're eating a lolly, and the lolly stick is a knife.
g.: I feel like you've used this analogy before. Also, lolly? What country is this? 1930?
d.: Just FYI, 1930 is a planet. Not a country.
g.: ...aaaand we've been watching too much Star Trek.
d.: I like it. The wine, too. It has a robust sweetness that isn't too sweet, and is kind of sour.
g.: It might not be for everyone, because of the Gewürztraminer, but I'm going to give it my vote.
i am a fan of this wine. yum
all the words I say are real words.
You guys brought your A game for this review. Bravo!
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