Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wolf Blass - Yellow Label - Chardonnay

Origin: South Australia
Price: $13.45
Vintage: 2008
Date drunk: July 27th, 2009


d.: Well, it's a Chardonnay.

g.: Do I even LIKE Chardonnay? I was pretty convinced that I did, but looking back, my reaction to them is usually horror. I think I had heartburn four seconds after that first sip. It's so YELLOW. Like dehydrated pee.

d.: It smells like cheap gross chocolates. Like Halloween ones you find at Zellers in March. There might be some element of mallow in there too.

g.: My favourites: expired chocolate marshmallow candies from Zellers. Or Lawtons in Sherwood. The best part is when they get marked down to 5 cents because nobody fucking likes that shit. EXCEPT FOR ME. MALLOW GHOSTS 4EVER.

d.: *horrified sounds* Chocolate robed mallow is an insult to chocolate everywhere.

g.: You're just saying that because they let me get under their robes.

d.: I'm crushed.

g.: I'm full of mallow treats.

d.: I wish I had a robe of chocolate.

g.: We are not going there.

d.: This wine tastes like DUSTY AIR*

g.: It tastes like a puddle that some small animal peed in.

d.: It's not undrinkable, it's just not good.

g.: And that's really the whole point of this blog. Would I buy this again? NO. Can I drink it? Sort of. Verdict: Don't buy this, but drink it if it's free. SURE, WHY NOT.

*This was intended to turn the conversation back to wine, but there's a nugget of truth in that statement.

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