Friday, February 5, 2010

Maison Louis Latour - Chardonnay

Origin: France
Price: $15.95
Vintage: 2007
Date drunk: October 31st, 2009

g.: It smells like wood--kind of like fresh cut hardwood of some sort--and tastes like bitter grape popsicles. Actually, kind of like popsicles made out of champagne that went flat. Does that make sense? I think it does. If I let it sit in my mouth for too long, it's kind of gross, but if I just let it slip down my throat it tastes full and fruity. That sentence seemed kind of scandalous.

d.: This wine tastes like the feeling of buying lots of Halloween treats and then having no kids come trick or treat.

g.: I think you may be confusing this wine with... now.

d.: It's called an analogy or a simile or some sort of fucking rhetorical device.

g.: I think it's called "disappointment."

d.: That's what I was trying to say, but more poetically.

g.: You're good.

1 comment:

colour me brad said...

Love this review.

Scandalous! :-D