Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pelee Island Winery - Riesling Dry

Origin: Ontario
Date drunk: January 31st, 2009

Yet again, sweet animal description on the back of the bottle that truly entices me to buy this brand:
"An elegant, one metre, all-white bird might conceivably be quite conspicuous, yet the Great White Egret is unmatched in its ability to stalk fish and other small aquatic creatures."
g.: I'm disappointed. This is a harsh drink. I think it's the "dry" part I don't like--I know I hate dry wines, but I thought this kind would be DIFFERENT. Riesling, you failed me. At this point, I'm just going to drink it because it's here.

(NOTE: If you like dry wines, you might like this. Who knows?)

d.: It's bitter; it doesn't have that apple taste of the Dan Aykroyd wine. It's very blandly bitter.

(d. is making awful sounds of disgust while sipping it. "luhluhluhluhluh")

Conclusion: The Dan Aykroyd Riesling is way better. This is just a boring, cheap, bitter-tasting wine. Too bad, Pelee Island.

1 comment:

J said...

i like dry wines. but i don't like shitty wines. well ... actually .. that's a lie, it think. If it's wine ... it must be drinkable.