Monday, March 8, 2010

Marqués de Riscal - Rueda

Origin: Spain
Price: $12.25
Vintage: 2008
Date drunk: February 18th, 2010


g.: Oh my god, it smells like a garbage can.

d.: It smells like a garbage can lined with a rotten meat bag.


d.: It can't taste any worse than it smells, at least.

g.: This is seriously the worst smelling beverage I have ever encountered. It smells like a litter box.

d.: It's like the worst smelling thing I've ever encountered (and I've buried rotten skunk roadkill).

g.: I don't even want to try it. I'm worried someone in Spain has poisoned this bottle out of random malice like the Tylenol tampering in the 1980s. I don't want to die from a $13 bottle of wine. That's a shitty story.

d.: We're brave. We deserve medals.

g.: I just smelled it again. It smells like Victoria Park swimming pool in August. AND THAT IS AWFUL.

It tastes like a fish tank that hasn't been cleaned in five years. Maybe that's somebody's bag--I don't know. But it's not mine.


colour me brad said...

hahahahahaha, oh shit!

Holly Bruns said...

Ha ha ha. You really didn't like it!