Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fielding Estate Winery - White Conception (Blend)

Origin: Ontario
Price: $18.95
Vintage: 2009
Date drunk: February 2, 2012

d.: d.'s going all bougie.

g.: This smells exactly like nothing. Entirely contary to the commentary in our last post.

AND IT TASTES LIKE HEAVEN. I taste nuts and butter. There's a tiny hint of flowers but it mostly tastes like lightly buttered bread. It's so delicate. I want to serve this on a little porcelain tea tray covered in tiny birds.

d.: This is what happens when you pretend you can afford expensive wines.

g.: We don't really have much else to say. It's hard to talk about wines when they don't taste like sharks.

d.: I think this goes with your buttery taste, but it's so rich it's almost creamy. Whoever would have thought a white wine would be creamy? Why not just drink butter?

g.: Could we... mix... wine and butter? Or... buttermilk? What would happen... chemistry-wise?

d.: I feel like vomit.

g.: I feel like experiments.

[Ed. note: This did not happen. We are not dead. Or scientists. Everything is fine. But if anyone wants to try that out, feel free to report back.]


Anonymous said...

$19 wine? Did you guys get a raise?
Keep those reviews coming...super work!


g. said...

Sometimes we spend above our means because we like to feel dangerous.